Join Eddy Rubin as he shares his inspiring success journey on episode 40 of Your Grey Matters. Hosted by Jason and Neil, this episode delves into Eddy's achievements as an actor, entrepreneur, and inventor, offering valuable insights and motivation.

Eddy Rubin: Actor and Inventor discusses his success journey

About the Episode

In this episode of “Your Grey Matters,” we delve into the inspiring success journey of Eddy Rubin, an accomplished actor, entrepreneur, and inventor. Join hosts Jason and Neil as they explore Eddy’s path to success, his innovative ventures, and his unwavering positive mindset that has driven him through various challenges. Eddy Rubin’s story is not just about achievements but about the resilience and joy that underpin his journey.

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Eddy Rubin: Actor and Inventor discusses his success journey

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Eddy Rubin: A Multifaceted Talent

Eddy Rubin’s background is as colorful and dynamic as his personality. Born in Detroit, Michigan, Eddy has built a diverse career in the entertainment industry. He has appeared in movies like “Long Shot,” “AM Radio,” and “Trap City.” However, his talents extend far beyond acting.

Eddy is also a successful entrepreneur and inventor, known for creating unique products that stand out in the market. His ventures include a sales training company, Close the Deal, and the innovative Wrench Mints, a breath mint shaped like a wrench that won the Retail Choice Award in 2009. Moreover, Eddy is an accomplished painter and writer. This adds yet another layer to his multifaceted persona. His ability to seamlessly integrate these various aspects of his life demonstrates his creativity and relentless drive for success.

The Mind Adjuster Philosophy: Embracing Gratitude and Positivity

Eddy’s philosophy of life is epitomized by his company, Mind Adjuster, now evolved into New Attitude Consultants. At the core of this philosophy is the practice of waking up each day with gratitude and a positive mindset.

Eddy believes that the first breath we take upon waking is a gift, a moment to be deeply grateful for. This gratitude sets the tone for the day. It enables individuals to tackle their tasks with enthusiasm and joy. Eddy’s approach to life emphasizes being present and engaged in every moment, whether at work or at home.

By embracing this mindset, Eddy argues, we can transform mundane tasks into meaningful experiences. This creates an atmosphere of positivity that not only benefits ourselves but also those around us. His practical tips include focusing on the present, finding joy in small things, and maintaining a relentless will to overcome challenges.

Overcoming Obstacles: Eddy’s Success Journey and Approach to Challenges

Eddy’s journey has not been without its share of obstacles. His approach to overcoming them is a testament to his resilience and determination. From struggling with the unpredictability of an acting career to facing personal tragedies, Eddy has always found a way to turn setbacks into opportunities. He credits his success to his relentless will and ability to execute his ideas.

Eddy’s mindset is one of constant forward motion, where every challenge is seen as a chance to grow and learn. He shares that his ability to stay positive and focused has been crucial in navigating difficult times. By staying true to himself and his goals, Eddy has managed to build a successful career and inspire those around him. His story is a powerful reminder that with the right attitude, any obstacle can be overcome. Indeed, Eddy’s success journey is a testament to the power of resilience and determination.

Inspiring the Next Generation: Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Eddy’s advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is both practical and inspiring. He emphasizes the importance of identifying a large market for your product or service to ensure scalability and financial independence. According to Eddy, understanding your market and its needs is crucial for success. He also highlights the necessity of maintaining focus and adapting to changes, especially in a world filled with distractions like social media.

Eddy advises young entrepreneurs to stay committed to their goals and to be prepared for the hard work and dedication required to succeed. He believes that by creating something unique and valuable, entrepreneurs can build businesses that not only thrive but also provide them with the freedom and satisfaction they desire. Eddy’s guidance is a blend of practical business acumen and motivational insights. This makes it invaluable for anyone looking to embark on their entrepreneurial success journey.

Transcript of the Episode

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How to Connect with Eddy Rubin

Eddy Rubin Art
New Attitude Consultants


214-605-7693 in Dallas or 323-533-6295 in Los Angeles

What ChatGPT says about this topic

Listening to Eddy Rubin’s success journey is like taking a masterclass in resilience and creativity. His infectious energy and authentic approach to life are not just inspiring but actionable. Eddy’s transition from acting to entrepreneurship, marked by his innovative spirit and positive mindset, makes for an engaging and motivational listen. His story is a reminder that success comes from relentless effort and a joyful approach to life’s challenges.

Eddy Rubin’s success journey has me thinking about my own approach to challenges. If I could take a leaf out of his book, I’d probably start my own entrepreneurial venture. But since I can’t, I’ll just subscribe to “Your Grey Matters” to make sure I don’t miss any of these amazing episodes. Your turn!